Saturday, 13 September 2014

WWE Superstars TV Report – 12st September 2014

Noteworthy: Total Divas was pushed like crazy – yes, it’s back for a third season. Justin Gabriel is still with WWE and is now a cocky heel. Much to my dismay the Sin Cara lights have returned. Gabriel and Sin Cara had a hell of a match.

Naomi beat Summer Rae (w/ Layla) in 4:32

After a few weeks off, I returned to review this show and was met with this match. It was essentially a series of chin locks, had no heat and was really dull. Welcome to Superstars!

Naomi opens up with a fireman’s carry out of the lock up and then locks on the first of many arm bars. It’s quickly reversed by Summer who uses a swift kick to Naomi’s face and tries a quick pin. Naomi rolls under the ropes, stands on the apron and Layla distracts her and Summer drapes her through the ropes and punches and slaps her to the mat.

Another quick pin attempt is followed up by a leg drop from Summer, who enjoying the dominance, struts around with a quick dance across the ring, which Layla mirrors outside. She then uses those long dancer’s legs to choke Naomi in the corner with a foot to her throat and then we go a rear chin lock-athon for a few minutes.

The boredom is broken by Naomi who gets the heat, powering out of a chin lock, running the ropes and ducking under Summer’s clothesline attempt. She hits two drop kicks, a big back suplex and triumphantly uses a kip up to show that she’s ready to go home. She hits a facebuster for two and then, after an attempted distraction on the apron by Layla, she rolls up Summer with a school girl into a bridge for the win.

A really poor, dull match. Nothing wrong with the work, it just wasn’t very entertaining. For a show that is on early mornings for kids here in the UK and considering these are the dark matches to get the crowd ready for Raw, this was underwhelming to say the least.

Sin Cara beat Justin Gabriel with in 8:17

So the lights are back and it sucks. It occurred to me, too, that this huge tattoo that Hunico has across his right shoulder is a real giveaway if he ever wants to work as a different character. These two had a great match in a rematch from last week. Gabriel works much better as a heel and what he lacks in charisma he makes up for in ability.

The match is all pace from the bell to bell. Sin Cara takes forearms and chops from Gabriel from the outset but tries a quick small package. He then arm drags Gabriel into an arm bar but is hit with blows to the back of head by Gabriel who then tries to pull off the mask. He continues to beat Sin Cara down in the corner and then takes a drop kick through the ropes to the outside.

Sin Cara then launches the most beautiful moonsault and is caught perfectly by Gabriel on the outside. He then goes back up on the apron and tries for a top rope springboard move but is blocked by Gabriel who gets up and hits a corkscrew tope of his own onto Sin Cara on the outside as we go to the break.

Gabriel is in control as we return and uses a German suplex getting a two count. He then locks in a modified STF style submission hold which Sin Cara is able to break. Gabriel uses a snapemare and kicks to the spine to keep Sin Cara on the floor. Gabriel’s heel move set is far better than his babyface.

Sin Cara then reverses another German suplex attempt and hits one of his own and he powers up with two springboard cross bodies, a flying forearm, a tilt-a-whirl headscissors and finally a corner flip onto Gabriel. He climbs to the top rope but is crotched by Gabriel and is hip tossed to the mat. Gabriel then sets up on the top rope and hits another moonsault for a near fall.

While Sin Cara is down, he crouches in the corner and gestures like Edge for him to get to his feet. He charges but gets caught in a standing powerbomb by Sin Cara. They both go down. Gabriel reverses into a DDT and goes to the top rope for the 450. Sin Cara gets up and stops him with an enziguri but, because he didn’t get all of it, he is able to throw Sin Cara off the tope rope and land the 450 splash for the win.

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