Friday, 22 August 2014

WWE Superstars TV Report – 21st August 2014

Noteworthy: The show has new titles with slightly remixed music - it’s glossy and hi-def but, most important of all, Roman Reigns is the superstar who closes out the sequence. Hornswoggle wrestled dressed as a cow, tagging with El Torito. Yup, seriously. Emma and Alicia Fox had an identical match to the one they had last week.

El Torito and Hornswoggle (w/ Los Matadores) beat Slater Gator with a top rope splash in 3:45

So, Los Matadores came out and like something out of WCW c1999, Hornswoggle came out dressed as a cow complete with mooing noises over their entrance music. What I had assumed would be a Los Matadores match v Slater Gator was in fact a short, comedy squash match where two minis beat men more than twice their size.

Pre bell, Los Matadores take out both both O’Neil and Slater in order to try to save some face for the heels who were about to lose, quickly. El Torito gets swatted to the mat by Slater after the bell and then O’Neil tags in, tries to sling El Torito but he clings on to his arm and then drop kicks him.

So, Slater comes back in, misses a clothesline allowing Torito to gore Titus and then he turns around when Slater misses a big boot which instead catches O’Neil. Torito hits a facebuster, top rope moonsault to put Slater down and then Hornswoggle finishes him off with a wobbly top rope splash for the win.

I have no idea why the felt the need to squash these two with this bizarre tag team. I have even less idea why it made TV. This was Saturday Morning Slam fodder. Remember that?

The Raw Rebound was the Steph segment with Nikki splapping Brie followed by that amazing Paul Heyman promo.

Emma beat Alicia Fox with a cross body in 7:03

This was a rematch from Superstars last week and honestly had many of the same spots if not some completely identical ones.

They opened up with a lengthy wrist lock exchange. They’re clearly going 8 minutes here and we know it because apart from the pre-planned spots (mostly comedy) they really lack ideas.

Emma rolls out of the wrist look with a forward roll and then kicks Fox, ducks underneath her and rolls her up for a two count. Another roll up from Emma and Fox has meltdown, going outside, slamming her fists on the apron and then booting the announce table. She  feigns that the kick has hurt her leg and comes back into the ring asking for time from the referee.

Emma fills the space by doing her goofy dance and then Fox joins in and we have them both dancing. This show! Fox lures her in and kicks her down to mat and gets a two count from the cover. Fox then goes to a few long chin locks only to be broken by her signature Northern Lights suplex which garners a two count.

Shoves and taunts from Fox show get Emma angry and she uses a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Fox who goes through the ropes to the outside. She rolls back in and Emma puts her in a small package for two. Fox misses a big boot gets rolled up again for two and the eats a big clothesline, again for two. The finish sees Emma hit a top rope cross body for the win.

The Raw Rebound closed the show with the Rollins and Ambrose match from Monday.

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