Sunday, 19 October 2014

WWE Superstars TV Report 16th October 2014

Noteworthy: Zack Ryder made his second appearance in as many weeks on this show and again was good. Bo Dallas won a match. Cesaro and Kofi had a really good outing.

Bo Dallas beat Zack Ryder with the Bo-Dog in 4:30

It feels a little like 2010. Zack Ryder was pretty much on this show every week back then. At least it felt like it. Bo Dallas, who I had completely forgotten existed, came out to some nice heat and they had a fairly good 4 minute match.

Out of an early wrist lock exchange Ryder takes the upper hand and Bo takes a breather on the apron. Bo has this great angry face, a kind of scowl that he pulls that is so incredulous and pained. He could be a pretty decent heel if they booked him properly. Ryder scoops him up into a hip toss but then runs into an elbow from Dallas. Ryder recovers, plants another hip toss and then falls to the mat into arm bar.

Dallas uses a creative little move where he gets Ryder on the apron and pulls him into the ropes so that the ropes clothesline Ryder. Zack sells it, too, coughing, choking and grimacing and Dallas is able to work him over with some knees to the midsection and a clothesline. When he’s on top, there’s something of Jack Nicholson to Bo Dallas’ Cheshire cat grin.

Ryder manages to pull a facebuster out of nowhere and both men go down, buying Ryder some time. Ryder lands two clotheslines and Bo runs into high knees in the corner. Ryder goes to the top rope and hits a missile drop kick. Then Ryder uses another drop kick, this time to plant Dallas in the corner in position for the Broski Boot. Bo rolls out. Ryder leans out to grab hair, gets swept off his feet, and as he rolls back in Dallas gets up and immediately uses the Bo-Dog for the win.

There’s a post-match, back stage interview later in the show with Byron Saxton where Bo said that Ryder was saying “Bo, bo, bo-lieve” now instead of his signature “woo”s.

Cesaro beat Kofi Kingston with the Neutraliser in 8:31

After some pretty fabulous early chain wrestling, Cesaro uses a headlock take down to ground Kofi down. Kingston is just back from Malaysia this week and Tom Philips and Renee Young are kind of playing that into their commentary as a way to warn us that Cesaro is going over here.

They run the ropes, Cesaro shoulder barges Kofi to the mat and then, old school style, goes straight back to the headlock. Kofi then manages to get the space to hit a drop kick, Cesaro doesn’t even give it the time of day and kicks out before the ref has even started to count. Kingston then uses a middle rope springboard missile drop kick to plant Cesaro to the mat.

He rolls under the ropes on the apron and so Kingston goes to try to suplex him back into the ring. The suplex from the apron is blocked and eventually after several attempts each, Cesaro is the one to get the upper hand and Kofi is garrotted on top rope. Cesaro goes up top and lands an axe handle, Kingston goes down and we go to the break.

Cesaro is in control and works over Kingston, using a two footed leaping stomp to the chest, followed by boots and punches until Cesaro goes back to a wrist lock. The match then springs to life as both try several quick pin attempts. Cesaro catches a charging Kingston with a huge boot that completely stops Kofi in his tracks and the cover gets a two count. Cesaro charges to the corner and hits the most brutal looking running European uppercut to the corner. It looks like it was stiff to say the least. They should build Cesaro up properly and put him in with Brock Lesnar, it would be so great.

An enzuigiri from Kingston then dumps Cesaro over the top rope and Kingston hits a springboard cross body to the outside. Cesaro eventually rolls back in at 9; Kofi covers him but only for two.

Kofi hits the Boom Drop, goes for Trouble in Parardise but Cesaro rolls under the ropes and hits the charging Kofi with a shoulder to the midsection. Kofi then recovers and goes for the SOS, hits it but Cesaro is able to kick out at two. Kofi runs into a high knee and Cesaro looks like he is going for the giant swing but it is reversed and then turned into a slingshot by Cesaro. Kofi doesn’t hit the ropes and instead leaps up onto them, tries a top rope cross body but in mid air is caught with the European uppercut.

After all the Vines this week where Orton was super imposed onto people catching them with RKOs this was like one of those great Randy Orton RKO finishes. And I suppose that with this move, it’s the kind of move that Cesaro can be creative with in the same way.

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