Friday, 15 August 2014

WWE Superstars TV Report – 14th August 2014

Noteworthy: Emma made her debut on Superstars. Adam Rose continued his streak of Superstars appearances. Fandango lost, again. None have this had any relevance to anything that will be happening this Sunday.

Emma beat Alicia Fox with the Emma lock in 5:34

Emma came out to debut on the show and would seem to be reasonably over with the crowd. She’s made a connection in the same way that Santino used to – a comedy act who can actually work and kick some ass when it comes down to it.

Fox goes for an early wrist lock and Emma uses a series of forward rolls to work her way out and eventually thrusts a kick into Fox’s chest to free herself. Emma then trips her up by going on all fours behind her. Fox takes time out, gets angry and rolls outside. Emma and her exchange words and Emma on the apron grabs the hair to bring Fox back in but Alicia sweeps her leg away so that Emma falls on her back on the apron. I always think this move must suck.

Back in ring, Fox covers for two and out of frustration smacks Emma’s head into the mat and then hooks her into a Northern Lights suplex (a move that she always executes really well) and goes for a cover but only gets two. Fox goes for a rear chin lock, picks up Emma and in a bizarre move, tosses her through the middle and top ropes. It looked like Emma tried to hold on and couldn’t and so just landed awkwardly.

Emma is rolled back in and is selling her left arm (which actually could have been a legit soreness after that bump). She catches Fox with a forearm and then slaps her. She tries to steal one with a roll up, but only gets two. She then starts using her dance as a method of attack, landing acute sort of slaps on Fox. It’s lame but gets some cheers.

The finish sees Emma start with a big clothesline for a two count and then puts her in the Dil-Emma but is forced to break the hold by the ref. She climbs the ropes, hits a cross body and the puts Fox in the Emma Lock for the win.

Nothing special as a match, a little longer than they normally go on Superstars. Emma has a future but is an acquired taste, I’d say.

The Raw rebound recapped the opening of Raw followed by the Rollins and Ambrose run in. They then showed a video package telling the Brie v Steph story in a build to their match at SummerSlam.

Adam Rose beat Fandango with the Party Foul in 7:15

Here are two superstars going nowhere. Fandango is a better worker than many, actually, but he can’t go too far with this gimmick, not into anything meaningful, anyway. His character on Total Divas is what he should be doing but it’s too subtle I guess.

Rose opens with a series of hip tosses and a cross body as he explodes out the blocks with energy. He throws Fandango clear of top rope and we go to a break – an excellent WWE Network advert that uses Warriors HOF speech as the soundtrack for images of Superstars past and present. Its great stuff. The tag line they’re going with seems to be ‘WWE Network: Immortal’.

Rose is in control after the ad, he kicks Fandango in the corner and then turns around and uses mule kicks to add more insult. He uses a snap suplex to get a two count and then a frustrated Fandango leaps up and hits a meat hook clothesline for a two count. Fandango slaps on a rest hold.

This is a pretty dull match. They exchange covers, Fandango goes back to the rear chin lock and Rose powers out to reverse it into a neckbreaker. He then powers up using flying forearms and a spinebuster and then awkwardly just puts Fandango into the Party foul and pins him for the win.

That finishing move doesn’t lend itself to fluidity in a match – he essentially has to stop the man in his tracks, put his head in the right position, stop and then hit the move. It’s ungainly. A bit like his act, actually. I’m with Kevin Dunn on this one, not a fan.

The Raw Rebound closed the show with the Hulk Hogan Birthday celebration segment.

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