Friday, 25 July 2014

WWE Superstars TV Report – 25th July 2014

Noteworthy: Adam Rose continues to be hidden away from the mass WWE audience on this show. Hornswoggle has finally shaved off all of his hair and turns to become a Rosebud. Heath Slater after eliminating Cesaro at Battleground and doing a segment with Flo Rida on Raw is back to just being a geek. Alberto Del Rio gets a rare run out on Superstars, showing you just how much his stock has dropped of late.

Adam Rose pinned Heath Slater with the Party Foul in 3:11

Tom Philips tells us that this is a rematch from four weeks ago on this show. I literally have no memory of this. This was a match that was all comedy and seemed to essentially be a vehicle for reassigning Hornswoggle who ended the match as a Rosebud.

As Heath enters the ring he has to prise Hornswoggle from the Rosebuds who seem to have him charmed. As the bell rings, Hornswoggle is on the apron and Rose is coaxing him into the ring. Slater is sent outside immediately, hit with a clothesline, rolled back in where he regains his composure and plants a heel kick on Rose out of an Irish whip. Slater goes for the cover and gets a two count.

Slater stomps Rose, whilst glancing back to see what Hornswoggle is doing, goes down to make another cover but again only gets two. Slater then misses a charge to the corner and Rose powers up with forearms and a neat sitout spinebuster. He hits a signature running clothesline to the corner (which the announcers are yet to name for me) and while Heath is down, he turns his back on him to watch see what Hornswoggle wants, he continues to stomp on him nonchalantly.

Rose is enticed to the ropes by Hornswoggle and as he gets there the Rosebuds grab Hornswoggle and lift him down into their group. Heath sneaks up behind Rose and slaps on a back suplex but instead of going for a pin, is distracted by the Rosebuds. They disperse to reveal that they have transformed Hornswoggle into one of them – he is wearing a red hat, massive white sunglasses and a Rosebud t-shirt.

Rose hits the Party Foul on the distracted Slater and gets the win in one of the shortest matches that they’ve done on Superstars in a long time.

The Raw rebound was the opening angle of Raw followed by the 2-on-1 handicap match between Reigns and Orton & Kane. They also showed the Xavier Woods promo in front of Big E and Kofi.

Backstage Byron Saxton interviewed R-Truth and asked him about Xavier Woods’ comments. They left it open as to whether Woods and Truth will feud as Truth disagreed with Woods’ statements about ‘singing and dancing like a puppet’ and ‘kissing babies’ but agreed with the sentiment of going out and getting the job done.

Heath confronted Hornswoggle backstage, he was angry at him for making him lose. Hornswoggle tried to persuade him that the chicks all wanted him. Heath didn’t buy it and left saying that Hornswoggle could no longer ride with him. Not sure why we needed this.

Alberton Del Rio beat R-Truth with the cross armbreaker in 8:07

R-Truth is sent to the corner from the get go with kicks by Del Rio but a tilt-a-whirl headscissors by Truth allows him to take control. A hip toss followed by a leg drop allows Truth to get a two count.

It might be nothing but Truth is doing way, way more dancing and crowd posturing in this match than he normally does. I’d guess they could be about to turn him and put him with Woods. After what Truth said about ‘singing and dancing like a puppet’ in the backstage segment, this would seem to make sense. Truth garrottes Del Rio on the top rope sending him to the floor outside and after a long pause we go to a break.

Weirdly, when we come back Del Rio is offering Truth a handshake. Truth denies it and starts to go on the attack, forcing him to the corner and mounting the second rope and counting out 10 punches. Del Rio throws him off and reverses and Irish whip. Out of nowhere he hits an enziguri like only Alberto Del Rio can. This gets a two count and so a frustrated Del Rio goes for a rear chin lock.

The finish sees Del Rio’s charge to the corner blocked and Truth hits clotheslines, a heel kick, and a Stinger splash. Truth uses a DDT but Del Rio kicks out just before three for a near fall. Truth postures to crowd and Del Rio gets up and tries to slap on the cross armbreaker but it is countered and so Del Rio is able to smack a superkick to the side of Truth’s jaw. The cross armbreaker finishes Truth off.

Either this will lead into an angle where Truth is turned by Woods who can show him the error of his ways and will join his this new Nation stable or he will continue to be a bottom-of-the-deck babyface on shows like this.

Great to review an episode of this show that was actually remotely newsworthy.

The Raw Rebound recapped the Steph and Bella twins angle.

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