We kick off with three peeps on a whistle and Darren
Young coming out accompanied by Titus O’Neill as Tony Dawson informs us that
R-Truth is alongside him tonight on commentary. This will be interesting.
R-Truth talks up Money in the Bank for Sunday as Justin Gabriel comes out.
Unbelievably Tony Dawson insists on still calling him ‘the Darewolf’ which I
just cannot stand or understand.
Match 1 – Darren Young v Justin Gabriel
Justin Gabriel pinned Darren Young in 4:27. They lock
up and we get the normal headlock take down, head scissors and wrist lock
chains. No hard cam again – as I’ve mentioned many times, they often do this on
Superstars and I can only assume it’s because they are still setting up the
cameras for the live taping that follows. They exchange stiff Flair chops and
European uppercuts that get a good pop form the crowd. Gabriel postures and
uses a leg sweep to take Young down for a near fall. Young gets back up and
hits Gabriel with a belly to back suplex and lets him drop onto the top turn
buckle. Titus likes this and blows the whistle for full time.
Gabriel stays alive, takes an Irish whip and a stiff
clothesline from Young into a near fall. Truth is good on co-commentary and
puts over Young’s ‘new aggression’ and calls moves where Dawson doesn’t – you have
to remember he’s been in this business for a long time and really as an old
hand at all this. He did himself no harm here at all.
Young gets caught by a drop toe hold and falls face
first into the second turn buckle as Gabriel gets some heat to make his
comeback. Gabriel then flies from the second turn buckle with a cross body for
a near fall. Dawson says that Gabriel is due to travel to South Africa next
month where he will tour with WWE but will also do the highest bungee jump in
the world. Meanwhile, Gabriel uses the second rope as a springboard and
superkicks Young and goes to the top rope for the 450 splash. Titus interferes
so that he can’t but Gabriel runs him off and instead spring boards off the top
rope and does his 450 splash for the win. Awesome finish.
This is unusual for Superstars, normally the longer
match goes on first. Next is Money in the Bank build up and Raw rehash. We get Cena and Henry promos and
then we’re shown the end of the Vickie Guerrero gut check segment with the
Out comes Antonio Cesaro next accompanied by Zeb
Colter and Jack Swagger. Cesaro is now wearing a sleeveless version of Swagger’s
‘We The People’ shirt (worst catchphrase in a long time). Apparently Cesaro now
resides in the US, Justin Roberts says. Zeb cuts a promo about how the plight
faced by American cities is the fault of its citizens. Zack Ryder comes out to
interrupt the promo which the crowd love. That’s the third consecutive week for
Ryder on this show.
Match 2 – Antonio Cesaro v Zack Ryder
Antonio Cesaro pinned Zack Ryder in 6:28. Cesaro takes Ryder down, holds
him on the mat with his knee while he puts his hand on his heart to say ‘we the
people’. I love Cesaro, he’s a master in the ring and is committed to this
gimmick whether he believes in it or not. Zack does his hip tosses where he sells
it before Cesaro is in position and then he takes him down with a clothesline
for a 1 count. Cesaro ducks out to consult with his partners and take us to a
As we return we’re still in wrist lock and rear chin
lock territory but it soon bursts into life: out of an Irish whip Ryder goes
for a cross body, Cesaro ducks and Ryder flies over the top rope to the mat
below. Outside, Cesaro throws him into the dasher boards and then throws him
back in the ring for a near fall. Cesaro then hits a stiff scoop power slam out
of another Irish whip for another near fall. As Ryder kicks out, Cesaro gets to
his feat and uses a Karelin lift into a side pildriver for another 2 count.
R-Truth puts over the move and Cesaro’s brute strength. The offense is clearly
stiff and to the head here because there are lots of drop cuts to the crowd
during the match.
Ryder turns a suplex into a neckbreaker in a really
creative spot to try to mount his comeback but the match is essentially a long
squash match for the heel. Ryder lands a missile drop kick from the top rope,
sets up for the Broski Boot but as he charges for it, Cesaro stands up and
smacks him with a driving European uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro is mad now
but Ryder powers out of a rear chin lock, lands the Broski Boot and gets
himself a 2 count. Cesaro takes a breather outside the ring but Ryder throws
himself over the top rope with a suicide flip senton that looks great. As Ryder
attempts to re-enter the ring, Swagger pulls his leg, Ryder kicks him in the
face but turns round to face Cesaro who puts him in a swinging sleeper hold. Then
as he is pretty much out cold, Cesaro uses the neutraliser to get the win. The
heel stable lay the Gadsden flag on top of him as we go to a break.
The show ends with the closing stages of the Orton v
Punk match from Raw where Bryan enters to climb the ladder and take the
briefcase. Some decent wrestling on show this week with one of two fun spots
but the matches were short this week to allow for more Money in the Bank
build-up content.
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