Saturday, 27 July 2013

WWE Superstars TV Report - 25th July 2013

A show that had some pretty average wrestling; a show that saw the return of Alica Fox to the ring on Superstars and a show that really put over what’s going on over on Raw.
We kick off with The Usos coming out and performing the Siva Tau – an entrance that I always think really sets them up to be more entertaining than they actually turn out to be. Even the new face paint isn’t really working for these two. Then 3MB come out and we realise that the Usos are streets ahead of Jinder Mahal. Alex Riley is back doing colour commentary next to Tony Dawson.
Match 1 – The Usos v 3MB (Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal)
The Usos pinned 3MB in 7:27. Jinder and Jimmy lock up and both try to pander to the crowd to get them going. They exchange wrist locks and Jimmy drags Jinder to his corner and tags in Jey. There’s no hard cam again this week for this opener – as I’ve mentioned many times, they often do this on Superstars and I can only assume it’s because they are still setting up the cameras for the live taping that follows. Jey lands a double axe handle from the second turnbuckle and gets some offense in until Drew drags Jinder out of the ring by his legs for a time out. This sets up Jimmy to land one of the worst planchas I’ve seen in a long time when McIntyre and Mahal just barely catch him. Jey does this same on to Slater as we go to the first break.
McIntyre is in the ring with Jimmy after the commercials and kicks him clean out of the ring. On the outside, Slater hits him with a great super kick and Drew comes outside to join in the mauling. He launches Jimmy into the apron and the dasher boards again and again, rolls him back in the ring and gets a near fall. Drew tags in Jinder and things slow way down and we get the Superstars go to move - the rear chin lock.
Drew tags back in after Jimmy powers out of the chin lock but gets hit with a high knee by Jinder who continues to work over Jimmy. Jimmy tries to get some offence in, using Flair chops but is stopped when McIntyre hits him with a really sloppy looking drop kick. Riley does a good job on commentary putting over Drew, though. He says that he lives and breathes wrestling and that he survives on 2 hours sleep a night just so he can do what he loves – sounds like a babyface to me, Alex? Meanwhile, Jinder stomps on Jimmy some more, tags in Drew who gets caught with an enziguri so that Jimmy can slowly crawl to his brother to get the hot tag.
Jey gets in and, in the best spot of the whole show, flies into Slater who has appeared on the apron to cause trouble. In doing so, Slater flips off the apron and his glasses go flying too, right off his face. It looked great and what was made even better was that when he was on the floor afterwards the first thing he went to do wasn’t tend to his wounds, it was to find where his glasses had gone! Living the gimmick, I love it. Jey hits a Samoan backdrop, Jimmy comes in and the double super kick Jinder to set up for the diving splash and the pin.
This was standard Superstars fodder; nothing special save the sunglasses spot. Next is the Raw Rebound which is Cena and Bryan’s contract signing with Brad Maddox and then Punk and Heyman’s tremendous promo segment.
Layla and Alicia Fox come out next. Both appear as babyfaces, neither even tries to play the heel on entrance. Fox made her first screen appearance at Payback, backstage, and has been on Raw and SmackDown this month in bits and pieces. Not sure where’s she’s been for the last year but she’s ok in the ring – Superstars is definitely her level.
Match 2 – Layla v Alicia Fox
Layla pinned Alicia Fox in 5:03. Fox works the heel role in the ring but Layla dictates the early pace. She uses a head scissors over the top ropes which is really creative and then gets back in the ring and does a springboard missile drop kick followed by a drop toe hold and her version of Naomi’s ‘Rear View’ (an ass bump to the face) for the first near fall of the match. It’s way too early for pins here but Fox uses a drop kick to Layla who is on the apron, bashing her face on the way down and is rolled in the ring for another early near fall.
Fox uses a creative move of her own as she starts to dominate the offence with submission holds: she uses her shin to as a choke hold on Layla, using the top rope as leverage. Fox then uses a head scissors with some vigour and meaning to it as Layla tries to power out – it is rare these days that a head scissors actually looks threatening but this actually did. Layla powers out but gets hit with a clothesline. Then Fox misses a big boot allowing Layla to land some horrible clotheslines that Fox just does not sell and so look sloppy and then the LOL crossbody for another near fall. Apparently, the LOL stands for ‘lots of Layla’ and the move sees her in the corner with her back to the opponent, bounce from the bottom rope to the second rope which she springboards off into a crossbody. It sounds better than it looks.
The finish sees Fox land a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into a missed scissors kick so that Layla can hit an enziguri for the pin. There was zero build to this finish that came out of nowhere. 5 minutes was pretty generous for these two but Layla does know how to work and they do have some creative ideas.
The show ends with the Daniel Bryan gauntlet matches from Raw. Once again Daniel Bryan saves a WWE TV show!

Monday, 15 July 2013

WWE Money in the Bank 2013 Review

WWE Money in the Bank
Philadelphia, PA
14th July 2013

Money In The Bank Match for the World Heavyweight Title Contract - Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Dean Ambrose, Fandango, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro

This was a good match and the perfect start to a ppv that promised to really deliver. The story was that Cody was going to win and had several chances but could never quite fully seize any of them. Cody was awesome here and really showed that he could be catapulted into the main event card without any problems. He should probably turn babyface fully now and go up against Sandow at SummerSlam for the briefcase.

Everyone was good in this match and it was a match that afforded everyone the chance to matter and seem relevant. Dean Ambrose had a lot of ladder time and came off as a real danger in a match that was full of mid-carders who perhaps, in the eyes of fans, had no real chance. Fandango also didn't look out of his depth here by any means - his springboard leg drop onto Cody as he lay on the ladder was a highlight. What was fresh about this match was the tag teams that were able to work together. The undoubted spot for the highlight reel was Swagger putting Cesaro on his shoulders and walking him to the briefcase so that he could reach it. Ambrose skinning the cat on the ladder that was held up by Swagger and Cesaro was at once ridiculous yet also awesome.

The finish with Sandow atop the ladder with the briefcase made me realise that Sandow and the briefcase in my head didn't match up to Sandow with the briefcase in reality. I really hope he gets over with this - I love the gimmick but can he carry this off?

Curtis Axel (c) v The Miz for the IC Title

This was a nothing match and one that made more sense when you realise that Axel was to have a bigger part to play later in the night. Miz is not the opponent to be giving Axel to help in get over in this company under his new gimmick, nor is he the opponent to be giving Axel in Philadelphia. The best spot in the match was Miz fooling the ref that Paul Heyman had hit him whilst he was outside the ring. I suppose they had to get Heyman ejected so that Miz had a chance at not being booed. It didn't work. I wonder what is next for Miz. Axel needs to get into a meaningful programme with someone like Jericho or Christian.

AJ Lee (c) v Kaitlynn for the Divas Title

If they are splitting AJ and Dolph it makes sense to keep the title on AJ. The clean finish would suggest that they are ready to put AJ into a programme with Layla. This really wasn't the match from Payback which was one of the best Divas matches in recent memory. Kaitlynn really doesn't sell all that well and the match never built to much. The submission finish was good but I don't know what this means for Kaitlynn.

Ryback v Chris Jericho
This had a surprise finish, not in who won it but in how it ended.  Jericho went for the lionsault,  Ryback moved and Jericho landed on his feet.  Ryback then schoolboyed him for the pin.  The whole match felt like a struggle. I think Jericho felt that he would be able to have a good match with Ryback and tried his best to make that happen but, ultimately, Ryback just isn't very good unless there are gimmicks or smoke and mirrors involved. Jericho used a Code Breaker when he was in the ring and Ryback was on the apron, and he fell to the floor. They teased a count out and the crowd got into the latter part of the match.

Dolph Ziggler v  Alberto Del Rio (c) for the World Heavyweight Title

They were having the match of the night with near falls and then Ziggler caught the foot of a superkick by Del Rio when A.J. nailed Del Rio with a belt shot for no reason for the DQ. Ziggler had told her to leave ringside when she came out and distracted saying he had the match won. She stayed out for the last several minutes and a few times subtly distracted him. Ziggler had a great match and   until the finish it was the best thing on the show. The idea was she was trying to help him but she didn't know what she was doing and he got mad at her for costing him the match. Ziggler left A.J. in the ring to a loud "You screwed Ziggler." chant. Even with the bad finish, this was a very good match. I think programme now for SummerSlam will be Ziggler and Big E. Del Rio will probably work with Ryback under Vickie or may be RVD.

John Cena (c) v Mark Henry for the WWE Title

This was a basic, well laid out, good match that was better than it looked on paper. Henry of course dominated with power moves and Cena kept collapsing trying to lift Henry into the AA as he has been doing at house shows this week. He finally hit the Attitude Adjustment, but Henry kicked out and so Cena's histrionics were as though he couldn't figure out what to do when his big move didn't work. For the third ppv in a row, Cena did a crossbody plancha off the top rope, Henry caught him and gave him the world's strongest slam, but Cena kicked out. They used a needless ref bump and Henry gave him a low blow, but Cena still kicked out.  Henry undid two turnbuckles.  He went to whip Cena into the buckle but Cena reversed and put Henry in the STF.  Henry got to the ropes the first time.  Henry tried another world's strongest slam but Cena got behind him, put him in the STF a second time. Henry teased getting to the ropes, but Cena pulled him back in the middle and Henry tapped out.

The fact that there was nothing after the match leads me to assume that they're still going with Bryan and Cena at SummerSlam. Makes a lot of sense. Bryan is so over right now.

Money in the Bank Match for the WWE Title Contract - RVD, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and Christian.

This was an excellent and wholly worthy main event. The pop for RVD was really big and you would expect it to be in this town. I really don't see it lasting, though. I really don't see how he will get over without this sort of gimmick match every month. He's average on the mic and he's beat up and old. I am prepared to eat my words on this but I just see him as another guy after this ppv. His being in this match just felt like a Royal Rumble spot where the old legend comes back for 2 minutes of running wild. His frog splash from the top of the ladder was shaky. Christian has a similar deal - I no longer buy him in main events there are too many better and more interesting options now.

Daniel Bryan was so over here, he is so hot no its untrue. Its a pleasure to watch him come alive and his heat segment in this match was tremendous. His conditioning is really good - it was like watching Flair or Steamboat from their NWA days. When the ring had cleared out and we had Punk and Bryan in the ring, it really showed how badly the company need to build now around them, Orton and Ziggler. Feuds with a combination of any of those 4 will be awesome.

I'm glad Orton won. I know that trust is a big issue with him given his wellness policy violations but I think he will draw well with the briefcase and I hope he keeps hold of it for a while and that we get a nice, slow full heel turn. He is so smooth in the ring. The RKO he gave RVD at the end was nothing short of outstanding - the move is so perfect for him and he continues to find new ways to catch people with it.

As for the match, Sheamus nearly killed himself on several occasions but there were some great spots throughout. There was a perfect highlight reel and photo opportunity in the middle of the match where all 5 guys were at the top of the ladders - they will use that in promotional stuff for this match for years to come. Heyman was awesome again. He works so well in this role and Punk and Axel have nothing to do but fill in the gaps, he's a real safe pair of hands.

A good ppv in all. Payback was better top to bottom but was a different type of ppv. I make that a streak of 4 in a row now for WWE - WrestleMania, Extreme Rules, Payback and Money in the Bank - which leads nicely into SummerSlam and Punk v Brock!

Saturday, 13 July 2013

WWE Superstars TV Report - 11th July 2013

A show that had Justin Gabriel beat Darren Young with the most tremendous 450 splash from a top rope springboard; a show that where Antonio Cesaro spent 6 minutes schooling Zack Ryder in the ring and a show that really put over Money in the Bank for Sunday.

We kick off with three peeps on a whistle and Darren Young coming out accompanied by Titus O’Neill as Tony Dawson informs us that R-Truth is alongside him tonight on commentary. This will be interesting. R-Truth talks up Money in the Bank for Sunday as Justin Gabriel comes out. Unbelievably Tony Dawson insists on still calling him ‘the Darewolf’ which I just cannot stand or understand.

Match 1 – Darren Young v Justin Gabriel

Justin Gabriel pinned Darren Young in 4:27. They lock up and we get the normal headlock take down, head scissors and wrist lock chains. No hard cam again – as I’ve mentioned many times, they often do this on Superstars and I can only assume it’s because they are still setting up the cameras for the live taping that follows. They exchange stiff Flair chops and European uppercuts that get a good pop form the crowd. Gabriel postures and uses a leg sweep to take Young down for a near fall. Young gets back up and hits Gabriel with a belly to back suplex and lets him drop onto the top turn buckle. Titus likes this and blows the whistle for full time.

Gabriel stays alive, takes an Irish whip and a stiff clothesline from Young into a near fall. Truth is good on co-commentary and puts over Young’s ‘new aggression’ and calls moves where Dawson doesn’t – you have to remember he’s been in this business for a long time and really as an old hand at all this. He did himself no harm here at all.

Young gets caught by a drop toe hold and falls face first into the second turn buckle as Gabriel gets some heat to make his comeback. Gabriel then flies from the second turn buckle with a cross body for a near fall. Dawson says that Gabriel is due to travel to South Africa next month where he will tour with WWE but will also do the highest bungee jump in the world. Meanwhile, Gabriel uses the second rope as a springboard and superkicks Young and goes to the top rope for the 450 splash. Titus interferes so that he can’t but Gabriel runs him off and instead spring boards off the top rope and does his 450 splash for the win. Awesome finish.

This is unusual for Superstars, normally the longer match goes on first. Next is Money in the Bank build up and Raw rehash. We get Cena and Henry promos and then we’re shown the end of the Vickie Guerrero gut check segment with the McMahons.

Out comes Antonio Cesaro next accompanied by Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger. Cesaro is now wearing a sleeveless version of Swagger’s ‘We The People’ shirt (worst catchphrase in a long time). Apparently Cesaro now resides in the US, Justin Roberts says. Zeb cuts a promo about how the plight faced by American cities is the fault of its citizens. Zack Ryder comes out to interrupt the promo which the crowd love. That’s the third consecutive week for Ryder on this show.

Match 2 – Antonio Cesaro v Zack Ryder

Antonio Cesaro pinned Zack Ryder in 6:28. Cesaro takes Ryder down, holds him on the mat with his knee while he puts his hand on his heart to say ‘we the people’. I love Cesaro, he’s a master in the ring and is committed to this gimmick whether he believes in it or not. Zack does his hip tosses where he sells it before Cesaro is in position and then he takes him down with a clothesline for a 1 count. Cesaro ducks out to consult with his partners and take us to a break.

As we return we’re still in wrist lock and rear chin lock territory but it soon bursts into life: out of an Irish whip Ryder goes for a cross body, Cesaro ducks and Ryder flies over the top rope to the mat below. Outside, Cesaro throws him into the dasher boards and then throws him back in the ring for a near fall. Cesaro then hits a stiff scoop power slam out of another Irish whip for another near fall. As Ryder kicks out, Cesaro gets to his feat and uses a Karelin lift into a side pildriver for another 2 count. R-Truth puts over the move and Cesaro’s brute strength. The offense is clearly stiff and to the head here because there are lots of drop cuts to the crowd during the match.

Ryder turns a suplex into a neckbreaker in a really creative spot to try to mount his comeback but the match is essentially a long squash match for the heel. Ryder lands a missile drop kick from the top rope, sets up for the Broski Boot but as he charges for it, Cesaro stands up and smacks him with a driving European uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro is mad now but Ryder powers out of a rear chin lock, lands the Broski Boot and gets himself a 2 count. Cesaro takes a breather outside the ring but Ryder throws himself over the top rope with a suicide flip senton that looks great. As Ryder attempts to re-enter the ring, Swagger pulls his leg, Ryder kicks him in the face but turns round to face Cesaro who puts him in a swinging sleeper hold. Then as he is pretty much out cold, Cesaro uses the neutraliser to get the win. The heel stable lay the Gadsden flag on top of him as we go to a break.

The show ends with the closing stages of the Orton v Punk match from Raw where Bryan enters to climb the ladder and take the briefcase. Some decent wrestling on show this week with one of two fun spots but the matches were short this week to allow for more Money in the Bank build-up content. 

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

WCW War Games: WCW's Most Notorious Matches DVD Review

Who ever doubted the power of advertising? In the late 80s, the NWA created a gimmick match that had never been seen before in terms of scale or ambition. And they pushed it. Hard. On the road, NWA would transfer a huge double-caged structure with a roof from town to town to give fans a brutal and bloody match night after night. And it drew. Watching the early tapings of these matches shows how crowds liked the idea of the gimmick and were hot for it. Fans would come to see the shows just to see the War Games that they had heard so much about. It was a gruelling match that beat up the workers but it was a success at the box office.

Dusty Rhodes takes us through this three disc set in honest and frank style. This collection is as much his chance to eulogise about his creation, his concept, his baby - the War Games - as much as it is his opportunity to lament the direction that the business went in the 1990s under WCW.

Aside from Rhodes commentary and input which makes the collection interesting in a historical sense, this set is far from exciting. Some matches are long, poorly executed and end in anti-climactic - sometimes chaotic - fashion. The faces practically always win; the heels rarely react to losing and the announcing is often woeful, sometimes non-existent. In the ‘submit or surrender’ section of the match, no-one ever really seems to surrender. Star power, however, is strong here: Sting, Luger, Hogan, Rhodes, Road Warriors and Flair make up the backbone of this collection and should provide fans with enough intrigue to part with their money.

Creating the War Games
Rhodes talks about the inception of the War Games: he had been to see Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and had seen the idea for a caged fighting arena that had a roof. With the help of Klondike Bill, he excitedly mapped it out in a parking lot with a flash light after a show one night. It would be the first time that the cage would be suspended over the ring, to be lowered and it would have a roof. There’s passion and excitement in Rhodes’ eyes as he relives this in front of us.

We’re shown the War Games Match between The Super Powers (Dusty Rhodes, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff & Paul Ellering) vs. The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard & J.J. Dillon) from the Great American Bash in Atlanta from July of 1987. Apart from the endless recapping of rules on commentary, this was a good match. There’s a lot of hardway blood that would go on to colour, literally, many of the matches on this first disk but the crowd are really hot. Arn Anderson and Dusty start things off and really know how to work but the match comes alive when Flair is in working with Dusty – two great workers who really knew each other and trusted each other. Interestingly, Hawk comes off as a major star in the finish; he works a comeback that is ferocious and uncompromising and looks like the hero of the team. The finish, as it is in many of these matches, is sudden as JJ Dillon submits.

Great American Bash on Tour

The finish in the previous match was actually due to Dillon breaking his collar bone, Dusty reveals. The replay reveals Hawk giving him a stiff clothesline that Dillon sells by flipping over but he lands awkwardly and immediately clutches his shoulder. When they took the show on tour, they did the same show most nights and it was the power of the Great American Bash that made the match an even bigger draw. Dusty remembers the period with utter fondness.

Dusty Rhodes, The Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff & Paul Ellering vs. The Four Horsemen  & The War Machine from Miami in July of 1987 is largely the same match as the previous one, with many similar spots. It becomes more brutal and there’s even more juice, ending with The War Machine (Big Boss Man) being eye-gauged for the submission. The Orange Bowl is one hell of a venue for it and, like the previous match, the crowd are really hot for this. There is constant reaction from them and it creates a fantastic spectacle, of WrestleMania proportions. These early matches are worth seeing.

A Different Type of Animal
As the match starts to become separate from the Bash, they experimented with other methods of caged combat. The Tower of Doom, Dusty claims, was also a success. I seriously doubt it. This was a ridiculous concept, had little direction and looks precariously dangerous to say the least. It has to seen to be believed, actually.

We’re shown the Tower of Doom match between The Road Warriors, "Dr. Death" Steve Williams, Ron Garvin & Jimmy Garvin and Kevin Sullivan, Mike Rotunda, Al Perez, Russian Assassin & Ivan Koloff from  the Great American Bash in July of 1988. This really is more of the Mad Max, sci-fi idea that Rhodes discusses at the outset of this collection. We spend minutes watching all the competitors climb the ladders to get to the top of the tower and once they’re there, because of the awful camera work, it makes pretty terrible viewing. Jim Ross really tries his best to put the match over and is tremendous here but even he can’t make a believer out of me on this one. The crowd were into it but not as much as the War Games with Hawk, once again, coming across as the super babyface.

War Games is something that really worked when you had factions appear, when all the individuals in the team had scores to settle with the opposing team members. Rhodes remembers here how hard it was to make this work on tour – these were brutal and raw matches. The fence would take a beating and was really only fairly rudimentary and so it took a serious toll on the workers. At this point, they’re really still trying to put across that this was a fight, not ‘sports entertainment’.

We’re then shown the match from the Great American Bash Tour in Greensboro, NC from July  1988. Dusty Rhodes, Lex Luger, Nikita Koloff, "Dr. Death" Steve Williams & Paul Ellering are up against The Four Horsemen but the match is completely dead. There is no commentary on this match and so where Jim Ross or Tony Shiavone would fill the spaces, here there is nothing. It feels really long as a result. It’s worth mentioning, though, how good Arn Anderson is at this stage of his career. He’s really Austin-esque at times: tough, combative, uncompromising, not to mention the middle finger he flicks at the crowd when he enters the cage at the outset of this match. Of course, as usual, the faces win here.

Live Events
Rhodes remembers that these live events where there weren’t normally cameras were something else. Hawk he says, in particular, would be really stiff predominantly on people like JJ Dillon. Dillon would actually hide in the crack between the two rings for the majority of the match and the crowd would go nuts when his head would pop up half way through the match. Hawk would play on this by going down to ‘get him’ only to pop up 5 minutes later with a pair of pants, to try and sell the idea that Dillon was down there without any trousers on.

By the War Games Match from the Great American Bash in July 1989, cameras are now in the ring. This makes the whole thing far, far better as a spectacle to be appreciated at home on your TV. The Road Warriors, Midnight Express & "Dr. Death" Steve Williams are up against The Fabulous Freebirds & The Samoan Swat Team. This is a fun match and it’s great to see Rikishi this early in his career, before WWF took him on as part of the Headshrinkers. Jim Ross is on the announce team here which makes for a much appreciated improvement over the previous bout. Garvin submits to Hawk’s neckbreaker hold but after the match they hold the cage door shut as the babyfaces are outside and the heels go to work, mauling Road Warrior Animal. This was a nice twist and a far better way to book the match: beat the heels but keep them strong.

Getting Replaced
Rhodes discusses how the 90s lead to huge change: “corporate companies now run an industry that they knew nothing about.” This DVD is as much a chance for Rhodes to air his passion about these matches as it is an opportunity for him to vent his frustrations about the direction WCW took the business.

The War Games Match from WCW WrestleWar from February 1991 saw a refreshed line up. This time the Four Horsemen (now Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, Barry Windham & Larry Zbyszko) battle Sting, Brian Pillman, & The Steiner Brothers. It is the first heel win in the collection and is tremendous in places. Pillman’s conditioning is awesome; he starts off the 20+ minute match and works such an energetic performance. Sting is also awesome here – a breath of fresh air who acts as an appropriate foil for Flair’s smooth experience and Sid’s worrying stiffness (Pillman really gets killed by Sid at the end of the match with his powerbomb). Giant Gonzales (El Gigante) makes an appearance at the end as a babyface to carry poor Pillman away.

Talent Change
Rhodes agrees that the talent change helped these matches. You had an influx of real athletes into the company. Presumably he feels that way because Dustin was part of the roster at this stage, as ‘The Natural’. He works a good match in the War Games Match from WCW WrestleWar 1992: Sting's Squadron (Sting, Nikita Koloff, Dustin Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat & Barry Windham) squared off against The Dangerous Alliance (Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Steve Austin, Larry Zbyszko & Rick Rude). The match is full of good performances from the likes of Austin, Anderson and Rude but Steamboat is still in great shape in 92 and really knows how to tell a good story. They take a new direction here by taking apart the ring and use the steel behind one of the turn buckles to submit Windham with. A decent War Games match but these guys would be better in a different context.

The Almighty Dollar
Rhodes explains that money took over by the mid 90s and that now it wasn’t a case of booking a show using long term planning, it was more about throwing something together at the last minute. Now where have I heard that before? Therefore, War Games was now an event dusted off when they felt like it. Fall Brawl became the home of the War Games.

At WCW Fall Brawl 1993, Sting, Davey Boy Smith, Dustin Rhodes & The Shockmaster were against Sid Vicious, Vader & Harlem Heat. Interesting to see Tugboat in his old gimmick but sad to see Booker T in such a poor match. It started far too slowly and for a match that now wasn’t allowed blood, they used the cage far too much. The ending was supposed to see the Shockmaster submitting Booker (Kole) with a bear hug but Kane (Stevie Ray) was in position to make the save but Davey Boy Smith was out of position so the whole thing looked messy and the referee called it before it had really finished. It’s worth noting here that Bobby Heenan was really strong on commentary for this match when so often in WCW he was uninspired.
A Really Special Night
Dusty remembers WCW Fall Brawl 1994 as being a “really special night” but only because he wrestled with Dustin. The match was Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes & The Nasty Boys vs. Terry Funk, Arn Anderson, Bunkhouse Buck & Colonel Robert Parker. This was another poor War Games match. There was far too much posturing and not enough action and the Nasty Boys often looked clueless, not to mention stiff on Colonel Parker. Poor Parker takes such a hard cross body from Knobbs at the end of the match that he actually craps his pants – the cameras try to hide it at the end of the match when he submits but it’s clear because the gimmick (Colonel Sanders) means that he had to wear a plain white suit. The in-ring talent here is really weak.

Pride in Their Product
By 1995, Rhodes said that it was just a gimmick and it wasn’t what it was. At Fall Brawl 95 there was more intrigue about who might turn and whether Luger and Sting could get along than there was in the gimmick itself. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger & Sting) took on The Dungeon of Doom (Kamala the Ugandan Giant, The Zodiac, The Shark & Meng) and you only have to look at the heel line up to know that this won’t be any good. Shark (Earthquake) starts the match, inexplicably, and is blown up within minutes of working with Sting. By the end, Zodiac submits from a camel clutch from Hogan but the camera isn’t on Beefcake when he taps. Hogan’s team also used some powder (no idea where it comes from) to try to confuse the heels and everything is rather weak and confused. This was a match that saw ex-WWF talent working with new gimmicks that were going nowhere. The nWo angle really did save this company.

Glimmer of a Fire
The nWo saw factions returning and obviously were unpredictable times for fans. By 1996, you were never sure what might happen on WCW television or who might turn up – just not knowing and the element of surprise made it all the more interesting. At Fall Brawl 96, a heel team win! Team nWo ("Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash & A Mystery Partner) took on Team WCW (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Lex Luger & Sting). The mystery partner was of course nWo Sting – Jeff Farmer – in a gimmick that never really went anywhere. This was the first time that a referee was actually inside the cage but Nick Patrick clearly had no idea what he was being asked to do because early in the match when Scott Hall is choking Arn Anderson, he tells him that if he doesn’t stop, he’ll call for the bell. Heenan and Dusty are on co-commentary and to good effect. The finish sees nWo Sting and Hogan forcing Luger to submit with a combination of the Scorpion Deathlock and a reverse chinlock. Due to Team WCW doubting his allegiance, Sting abandons Luger, Flair, and Anderson shortly after entering and the match and it becomes a 4-on-3 handicap match. After the match, Randy Savage comes out to attack Hogan, only to be beaten down by the entire nWo. Elizabeth was also attacked after she came down to plead with Hogan to stop.

Pulling Out Every Stop
Rhodes puts over Eric Bischoff, and not for the first or last time in this collection. He said that Bischoff took talent from WWF who were in their prime (more likely end of their prime) and brought them in to do what they couldn’t have done in WWF. By this I assume he means storylines because, they could have had matches better than these under Vince.

Fall Brawl from September 1997 saw Team nWo (Kevin Nash, Buff Bagwell, Syxx & Konnan) vs. The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Steve McMichael, Chris Benoit & Curt Hennig). It will be remembered for Hennig’s turn but at a time when everyone was turning and defecting to nWo, we will remember this match for the fact that Chris Benoit is involved. Benoit appears on a WWE DVD release for the first time in recent memory – he isn’t ignored, the commentary puts him over and he’s really one of the best things in this match. He dominates Konnan and Bagwell in the early stages and, later, when he is handcuffed to the cage (an over-used gimmick in these matches) he answers Nash’s offer of surrender on the mic with firstly, a spit and latterly, a loud ‘bite me!’ which is awesome. One of the best spots early in the match is when he suplexes Bagwell into the cage and just lets him clatter to the floor in a messy heap – it looks really painful; Benoit always had that awe of being such a danger when he was in the ring. Another heel win.

The Talent Made The War Games
In the past, Rhodes concedes, the War Games would make talent. The match would help put over new talent, strike up new rivalries and make new heroes out of babyface teams. But by 1998, the talent started to make the War Games. At the Fall Brawl of 1998 we were faced with three factions in WCW who needed to battle it out in the War Games match. As a result, pinfalls were allowed for the first time in this, the first 3 way. Team WCW (Diamond Dallas Page, Roddy Piper & The Warrior) vs. Team Hollywood ("Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, Stevie Ray & Bret Hart) vs. Team Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Sting & Lex Luger) was the match.

The match was really a vehicle for Warrior to come in and get over but it didn’t come across as much and, by 1998, filling the ring with smoke so that Warrior could enter the ring, disappear and then needlessly re-enter, was not what fans wanted to see. Less comic book and way more exciting was when Warrior smashes his way out of the top of the cage with his feet at the end of the match to go and chase after Hogan. He stands on the top turnbuckle and pounds away at it so that he can get out but, he jumps down clearly lands awkwardly on his left leg and then has to hobble after Hogan. Easily the best thing about the match was ruined by Warrior not being careful. Sound familiar? Page, who was super over at this point, pinned Stevie Ray but this match wasn’t about him.

The End of the War Games
Rhodes mourns how War Games would become a name that was synonymous with anything that they wanted it to be by the end of the 90s. “Two Divas grabbing dollars in the ring would be War Games,” Rhodes jokes. The last match on this collection had nothing to do with War Games really. It is more reminiscent of the horrible Tower of Doom match from ’88: at the top of three cages was the belt hung, like in a normal ladder match. Participants started in a single ring, hand to climb a ladder to get to a trap door to get into the next cage. From there, they would have to leave the second cage, using the door, climb the rigging to reach the top of the three cages, stand up and take the belt. But it doesn’t end there. They would then have to climb back down, going past and through all the other wrestlers, so that they could walk out of the door at the bottom. Simple, right?

This was a messy as it sounds. Sting, Booker T, Goldberg & KroniK vs. Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner & The Harris Brothers was the match given away for free on Nitro on September 4, 2000. It is impossible to follow at times and I would imagine a TV director’s nightmare. Spots would happen off camera and the announce team had to fill us in and replays weren’t available. Vince Russo appears in a crash helmet halfway through, seems to want to help Nash, then doesn’t and then finally does at the end. Goldberg was the last entrant, was really hot with the crowd but gets cuffed to the ropes for the majority. He rips the cuff off at the end of the match when Booker T descends with the belt, annihilates everyone so that he can get to the door where Bret Hart, in street clothes, climbs the dasher boards to slam the door in his face. From there Nash picks up the pieces for the win. This was not the best way to close the door on War Games franchise.

Rhodes brings this DVD to an end by putting over the modern day evolution of his child, his baby, the War Games. The Elimination Chamber, he says, is an attempt to make War Games better and he argues that making things better is all that he was ever trying to do for the business.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

WWE Superstars TV Report – 4th July 2013

A show that had Wade Barrett in the ring for the second week running; a show that saw the Superstars debut for Eva Marie as Natalya’s valet; and a show that really put over Money in the Bank for next Sunday.

We kick off with Zack Ryder coming out. Dawson and Riley are putting over Ryder’s ‘evolution’ now, saying that he was part of a revolution with his social media work and now he’s moving on. Total crap; I feel bad for Ryder. Wade Barrett is out next – crazy to see him for two consecutive weeks on this show.

Match 1 – Zack Ryder v Wade Barrett

Wade Barrett pinned Zack Ryder in 8:52. Alex Riley has taken over where Matt Striker left off, by talking a lot of crap during these matches. He needs to watch it because that’s precisely why Striker was never given the time of day by the end. Anyway, he talks about Barrett’s degree in Marine Biology (which is legit) as the two lock up – hardly the most heelish of qualifications.

Ryder takes the early control, using wrist locks, chin locks and arm drag takedowns to dominate Barrett. Ryder sells the arm drags before Barrett is in position and looks a little off the pace here. He hits a facebuster (his go-to move) followed by a sweet drop kick and gets the first near fall of the match. Barrett rolls outside the ring, Ryder baseball slides him as we go to the break.

After the commercials, Ryder Irish whips Barrett into the ropes, hits a clothesline and sits up on the top turn buckle. Barrett gets up and pounds him with a big boot to turn the tables. He rolls Ryder back into the ring for a 2 count. A-Ry starts talking trash about how whenever the boys are out in bars, Barrett won’t drink without toasting the Queen first. Meanwhile in the ring Barrett hits his signature pumphandle slam for another near fall.

Barrett goes back to the rear chin lock, Ryder powers out, hits another facebuster to break the offence and Ryder climbs the ropes for a missile drop kick and a 2 count. He tries the Broski boot but Barrett kicks out again at 2. Ryder then tries for the Rough Ryder, Barrett ducks it and as Ryder turns around he’s hit with the Bull Hammer and pinned for the win. This was an ok match, Ryder works hard but I wonder where these two are headed. Barrett is in the Money in the Bank programme right now after losing the IC title. At 6’ 7” and 246lbs, you’d think they would go with him at some point for a title reign at least.
Then it's the Raw Rebound -we get the All Stars Ladder Match segment. Punk and Bryan are the stars here. Then we’re shown the end of the Kane and Orton match with Bryan as guest referee.

Out comes Natalya next accompanied by Eva Marie. Eva was signed recently to WWE and has been linked with Natalya for the foreseeable future while they film the E! show Total Divas. She’s beautiful and has long dark red hair – it’s no shock that she used to be a fashion model. Naomi comes out with Cameron in a beautiful dress next. This is presumably another Total Divas angle match. We seem to have this now every other week on Superstars; I’m never too sure who is supposed to be the heel. By the end of this one, everyone’s a babyface!

Match 2 – Natalya v Naomi

Natalya beat Naomi in 4:12 via submission. The match started like all Natalya matches do with a headlock takedown, a head scissors, some arm drags into wrist locks and some basic mat work. They run the ropes and Naomi hits the ‘rear view’ – a move where she jumps and sticks her ass in her opponents face. Natalya then goes for the Sharpshooter but Naomi powers out and we return to the rear chin lock.

Natalya puts her in a suplex and holds it for a good 5 seconds, hits it and then sits on her – yes, sits on her – for a 2 count. Riley and Dawson talk about the marriage between Natalya and Kidd putting over how they were Hart Dungeon graduates and had been together since they were teenagers. Meanwhile, Natalya is drop kicked and rolls outside where Eva Marie comes to her aid. Eva looks pretty wooden and looks a bit clueless as to what is expected of her in this role. Naomi sportingly offers her the chance to back in the ring to compete by pulling the ropes apart.

The two get back in the ring, shake hands but Naomi pulls Natalya in and rolls her up for a quick near fall. Naomi then lands an impressive hurricanrana for another 2 count but Natalya gets up, no-selling it and puts her in the Sharpshooter. They tease that Naomi will break it and get to the ropes but Natalya pulls her back and gets the submission. Quite a good match by Divas on Superstars standards. Naomi and Natalya eventually shake hands in the ring as Eva Marie helps them to reconcile their differences and raises both their arms.

The show ends with the tremendous video package of Mark Henry’s WWE career followed by most of Cena v Del Rio from Monday. The matches were short this week to allow for more Money in the Bank build-up content.