Saturday, 4 May 2013

WWE Superstars TV Report - May 2nd 2013

A show with some Raw re-caps, some Extreme Rules build, some fun but, ultimately, some fairly sloppy wrestling.
We open the show with R-Truth coming out; Tony Dawson welcomes us to Superstars and immediately notes that we are a few weeks away from Extreme Rules. Damien Sandow comes out to an array of boos and announces that he wishes to quote “a truly great man”. He quoted himself. “Damien Sandow once said, Ignorance is curable but stupid is forever”. Brilliant. Sandow gets great heat from the crowd and calls them “a bunch of wild sorcerers” for cheering R-Truth and saying “what’s up” like Pavlovian dogs. I love this gimmick!
Match 1 – R-truth v Damien Sandow
R-Truth pinned Damien Sandow in 6:54. Truth shouts “what’s up?”; Sandow cries “silence!”; they go back and forth and this match is already good fun. Truth has the early dominance and toys with Sandow. Dawson reliably informs us that Truth’s dancing is called the “jiggy jiggy” while he currently has over 600,000 twitter followers. Matt Striker tells us that Sandow is from a family of blacksmiths! Play by play is not the focus here, as you can tell. Sandow takes more punishment outside the ring and then capitalises on a mistake by Truth as we go to a commercial break.
After the break R-Truth is in a body scissors, escapes but is slung into the ropes and takes a series of kicks, knees and punches to the midsection followed by a vertical suplex. Sandow then gestures for the Cubito Aequet (the elbow of distain) and Truth kicks out at for a 2 count. Truth is put into an abdominal stretch but powers out using a hip toss. Sandow kicks out of a sunset flip for another 2 count. Truth uses a modified Gory buster, tries for the Lie Detector but eventually pins Sandow after the Little Jimmy. Things got a little sloppy towards the end, they both looked tired and weren’t quite on the same page but it was a fun match and Truth was pretty over with this crowd.
After the break it is the Raw rebound showing The Shield’s promo where they went over their history in WWE so far. They're interrupted by 3MB and then Team Hell No to set up for the match on Smackdown. Then we get a replay of Mark Henry's World's Strongest Man Challenge.
Back on Superstars, Kaitlyn comes out and Striker tells us he’d like to share a plate of pasta with her a la Lady and the Tramp. I literally have no idea…
Match 2 – Kaitlyn v Tamina (non title match)
Kaitlyn beat Tamina in 3:58. Tamina comes out and there’s momentary silence. The crowd don’t care, Tony Dawson has no idea what to say so Striker tries save it by comparing this fight to some heavyweight boxing matches from over the years (seriously) where fighters had different reaches due to height differences  much like these two divas. This was pretty horrible from the word go. They traded headlocks and tried some basic chain wrestling. Kaitlyn tried some matt work but Tamina got some offence and tried to get some heat from the crowd, saying “whaddya want?” but they weren’t into it and she reaped only a smattering of boos. They both ran the ropes, had no real idea what either was intending and they collided in a messy heap in the middle of the ring, they both sold it and the referee counted to 7.
Kaitlyn attempted to win with an inverted DDT but Tamina kicked out at 2. Dawson put over that AJ Lee was the number 1 contender so the match felt like it didn’t mean anything, while Striker spouted more useless facts (apparently Kaitlyn shares a birthday with Rasputin. I have no idea why we need to know this but I assume that is where the similarity ends). Ultimately, Katilyn steals the win with a school boy. I guess the theory was to keep Tamina looking strong but this match did nobody any real favours.
We have an Extreme Rules promo before the break and a WrestleMania 30 one after and the show finishes with more from Monday’s main event on Raw
It’s becoming more typical for this show to be built around video packages with two (rather than three) matches but this is still a fun, family show and Tony Dawson always does a good job of putting over the importance of the upcoming ppv.

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